Everybody loves a good old Do It Yourself (DIY) project that allows them to rethink, reuse, reduce and recycle! There are so many things that you can create with things you have hanging about in your garage. These projects can even be a good way to bring people together and find common ground through art. But just because something is homemade, doesn’t necessarily make it beautiful or useful. It is important to remember to have fun when doing a DIY project, but not too much fun that you end up creating something that should have remained undiscovered. This collection of original DIY projects will have you questioning how much spare time some people have on their hands.

Cactus Garden On the Move
When you find the thing that allows you to feel inner peace, it is important that you recognize what it is and never let it go. Making sure we stay happy and true to ourselves is one of the greatest challenges in life, but a very crucial one.

For some people apparently, that is a mini cactus garden in their car. It is safe to say that everybody loves a lovely-looking garden, but going to the effort of making one above your glove box might be a bit much. How does one even maintain something like this?