David Bowie
The legend himself, David Bowie, actually had one eye that was dilated permanently. Technically put, Bowie’s eyes had a peculiar appearance because of a disease called anisocoria. Anisocoria is a condition when a person’s pupils are not all the same size. Because the fixed pupil does not react to changes in light, whereas the right pupil can, this might give the appearance of having eyes of various colors.

But was he born with this, or was it a result of an accident? Well, Bowie’s anisocoria was brought on by the consequences of a passionate altercation in the spring of 1962. Bowie and George Underwood, a buddy of his, had gotten into a fight about a woman they both really wanted to date. Despite this feud that ended up scarring Bowie for life, literally, their friendship appeared to have remained strong throughout the years.