LinkedIn is a unique, work-oriented social media platform where people boast about their work achievements. While many posts are helpful, some are just downright patronizing and, dare we say it, every a little cringey. If you’re on the platform, then you probably know what we’re talking about. Allow us to show you 50+ posts on LinkedIn by people who aren’t as motivational as they want to appear.

I drive Ferrari
Let’s be real here. People will judge you by what car you drive, and there’s no avoiding it. Even if you’re the president of a company, if you get to work in a Fiat, people are going to look down on you. And there’s no point showing others your Harvard degree if you still ride a unicycle to and from places.

So, does this post really need to exist? We already know that people value others differently by their car’s make and model. And how exactly is this post going to motivate other people? Yeah, we’ll just buy a Ferrari so people will stop questioning our 2.5 GPA.