#27: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Mary Poppins is the fun-loving, super cool nanny we all wish we had when we were kids. She can fly with her umbrella, after all! The movie version of Mary Poppins that most of us know and love is based on a series of books by P.L. Travers. Travers was an Australian-British writer, and her Mary Poppins stories are more than just fairy tales.

Travers based her iconic Poppins character on her childhood memories of her feisty great-aunt, Aunt Sass. Travers remembered her Aunt Sass being very strict but loveable. She was a “bulldog with a ferocious exterior” but was actually sweet and kind behind the tough facade. Disney definitely made their Mary Poppins character much sweeter and sugarier, but that has created its own kind of magic in our hearts.