There is much talk about sending humans to Mars. Some rich people have already purchased their ticket to check out from Earth for a one-way trip to the Red Planet. Whether you’re thinking about going to Mars or just interested in the technology, we’re sharing some of the best info we found out about the tech that may send humans to Mars.
Long Travel
Since a trip to Mars would require astronauts to travel 140 million miles or so, depending on where Earth and Mars are aligned during the trip, this isn’t a small feat to achieve. This is a long trip with exposure to microgravity and radiation for longer periods than astronauts are accustomed to.
A Year and a Half
It seems NASA knows that astronauts can live about one year and six months in our current technology we have to get astronauts out there in the solar system. This isn’t sufficient for a trip to Mars, as the distance is far too long.
High Levels of Carbon Dioxide
Since Mars is about 9% carbon dioxide we need to figure out how to breathe this type of air. There are other options, like using an instrument to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen but the technology to do so on a large scale isn’t quite ready.
The Risks
At this point, we know that travel to Mars is possible but it’s in the details that we’re not sure how to accomplish this task safely. The risks assumed by the astronauts would be more than a typical astronaut risks and that’s why they’re taking their time on figuring out how to get a human to Mars.
There are many ideas being discussed on how to get some humans to Mars, but ultimately we have to figure out how much risk is truly involved. Not only will it be a big trip, but the astronauts will also need the proper supplies to handle any issues as they come right there on the Red Planet since it’s so far away from Earth.
There are many dangers involved, but the tech is there and now it’s just figuring out the details and how much risk NASA is willing to take to get the first humans on Mars.