There’s a vast world of facts out there, some intriguing and others best left unexplored. But curiosity leads us to uncover even the most obscure truths. We’ve curated a list of bizarre and slightly unsettling facts, believing that knowledge could one day prove useful, no matter how strange. While these facts might raise eyebrows, we invite you to embrace the weirdness and see where this unusual knowledge takes you…
#1: The Helpers of Mt. Everest
Even if you have never been there yourself, some places in the world have always been known to you due to how famous they are. Whether it is the Eiffel tower in Paris or Uluru in Australia, these big and important landmarks appeal to a lot of people.

But be careful about which of these monuments you visit… If you hike Mount Everest, then you are a real daredevil. The potential risks associated with doing such a trek are enormous. So enormous that many of the people that don’t make it back down just end up staying up there… As a waypoint for climbers. Just retrieving them would be incredibly dangerous.