We often take things in pop culture at face value and never consider where they come from and what’s the story behind them. However, many of the famous characters, shows, and movies we all know and love aren’t entirely fictional but actually based on real people and experiences. We’ve compiled a list of the assumed inspirations behind famous images, places, and characters we all know and love.
#1: The Man Behind the Professor
The Harry Potter series is wildly popular worldwide, and so many parts of J.K. Rowling’s magical universe have become a part of our pop culture. The series may be fantasy, but the story has at least one element of truth. Severus Snape, Hogwart’s mysterious and difficult Potion teacher, is actually based on someone J.K. Rowling knew in person.

J.K Rowling revealed that she drew inspiration for the infamous Snape from her high school science teacher. Mr. John Nettleship was the head of the science department at the Chepstow Comprehensive School when Rowling attended as a teen. Nettleship apparently gave Rowling a hard time in his classes, and she never forgot it. She made Snape just as hard on Harry in her books!