To all geeks out there in the world, these are the items you should have in your kitchen to prove to yourself and to all earthlings that you are the coolest human in the galaxy and your kitchen can tell. No matter if you are a Star Wars fan or Rick and Morty or The Big Bang Theory you know that owning a piece of furniture or an electro domestic item branded with your favorite character will put a smile on your face every day and make your life just a little bit better. I can just imagine the next time you host your friends and they notice that you have a Darth Vader kettle that heats your coffee and tea water daily and that Death Planet shaped mug on the counter will be the envy of the party.
Ice Cube Molds
Have you ever gotten tired of seeing the same old cube-shaped squares coming out of the freezer from their plastic container? Yeah, me too! You can get those plastic trays with cooler shapes available. Anything you can think of, there’s probably a plethora of different ice cube trays to choose from.
Think of cartoon faces in all your ice cubes. Drinking out of a not-cold-enough glass of juice and being able to throw in some ice cubes shaped like a little gnome. Or, you can get some ice cubes shaped like Darth Vaders head! The possibilities are endless! Give your ice cubes a makeover!