Snapchat used to be a young men’s game, but in the past couple of months, it seems as if it’s one of the hottest social media platforms around – if you don’t have a Snapchat account, there’s a whole world of funny pictures you’re missing, from questionable pet moments to epic fails. One thing that differentiates Snapchat from other social media apps is that the photos and stories people share are only available for 24 hours! Luckily for us, people were quick enough to save these priceless Snapchats and share them with the rest of the world.

It’s Funnier This Way
In our age of technology, people have this habit of taking pictures whenever the opportunity presents itself. Whenever we see something funny or otherwise extraordinary, our first instinct is to take a picture. This is exactly what happened here: this person noticed that the man walking in front of him was taking his dog on a swim.

Naturally, his first instinct was to take out his phone and capture this hilarious moment. We’re not sure whether the dog jumped in the water or whether he fell in. Dogs aren’t usually the biggest fans of water, so we’re inclined to think it’s the second option. Either way, his owner seems completely unaware of the situation and hopefully, after taking the picture, this guy decided to say something.