Fake Friends
There are times in our lives when we discover that people whom we regarded as friends were, in fact, not our friends. Fake friends can exist anywhere; they’re not just a problem in New York City. This was spoken somewhere within the city’s fortuitous circumstance. Anyone who has ever had a fake friend will undoubtedly understand this too well. It’s rather cringe-worthy, so strap up tight!
Two pals discussed what Gabby, a third girl they knew, had posted on social media. One of the friends then said that she unfollowed Gabby because she was too chatty about “being happy,” and it began to irritate her. Isn’t it funny how they’re being so jealous? This phony pal, clearly forgetting who she was speaking to… Gabby’s sister! Fortunately, in the discussion, Gabby’s sister came to her defense. We wonder if these two girls are still friends. Probably not.