When we think of history, we tend to think of the big events, wars, and inventions that shaped the course of the world. It might be simply because this is what we were taught in school. Yet, history takes place not only in the grandiose but also in the small and simple, the unexpected. We’ve put together some of the more obscure, interesting, and strange historical photographs of small but interesting moments for you to peruse, enjoy, and maybe present for show and tell at your next dinner party.
#1: Planning Ahead
To the untrained eye, this document may seem like a very ordinary request for leave by a soldier in the Navy. Considering navy service entails sailing out to the open sea, I’d imagine that such requests for a routine occurrence, as long as the boat was anchored in the port.

Yet, if you pay attention to his words, you’ll notice that this special request is indeed special. He states that his wife plans to get pregnant this weekend, and he would like to be present when it happens. If that isn’t an effective way to convince your superior, I don’t know what is.