Whether you like hearing the term “mansplaining” or not, it happens more often than you might think. Some people take it upon themselves to explain things in a know-it-all or condescending manner to the women in their lives, even though nobody asked. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, nine times out of ten, the guy is usually so off-base that you’d think he may not even know what he’s talking about. Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, here are 50+ stories of guys mansplaining to the wrong people.

Do You Understand the Plan that You Spoon-Fed to Me?
As a project manager, it’s important that you get as much input and feedback from all organization members if at all possible. This will allow you to address uncertainties and come up with solutions if unfavorable events occur. However, it’s just as important to give credit wherever it’s due.

Somehow, during a seminar, the project manager forgot that he was explaining the situation to the very woman who spoon-fed him his explanation. And the real kicker is when he had the audacity to ask her whether she understood the oh-so-complicated matter or not. Yeah, dude, she got it. It was her idea in the first place.