I believe there are two kinds of people in the world: the kind that will sign any document, buy any product, and enter into any agreement without a second thought, and those who will do nothing without desperately scanning every letter of every word for every tiny piece of information on the page. Whichever category you fall into, there’s something here for you. If you never read the fine print at the bottom, we’re to fill you in on everything you’ve been missing out on, and if you always read it, well, you’ll be eager to feast your eyes on this particularly questionable fine print collection.
#1: Nothing in Life Is Free
Sometimes, the fine print contains very important information that the consumer cannot use the product without. For example, it may explain what will happen if you accidentally put metal in the microwave or leave your bananas in the sun for too long.

This Chipotle ad suggests that you will get free chips and free guac when showing this flyer. Still, the fine print contains very important information: you only get the “free” guac and chips if you order something more expensive from the menu. So, it’s not really free chips and guac, is it now?